Monday, July 19, 2010

More than halfway!

Wow!  It is crazy to think that we are more than halfway there until we meet our little guy-can't wait!  What is even crazier to think is that it was March (lucky St. Patrick's Day to be exact) when we found out that I was pregnant...gosh, that seems like forever ago!  

I am continuing to feel good and am definitely feeling our little guy move around a heck of a lot now, which is so cool! 

Here's an updated belly picture!  I added one from 15 weeks that I found as well-gosh, I have grown a lot!  Don't look at my face in the pics (even though now that I said that I am sure you all will!)-No makeup and after a walk so not at my best :)  
15 weeks-wearing regular pants which I can no longer fit into :)

21 weeks!


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