Monday, August 30, 2010

San Diego!

Rich and I feel very fortunate because in less than a year we have been to San Diego four times (well 3 for Rich but close enough.) This trip was our shortest but we had such a great time and fit so much in. We spent a day in Coronado, helped my mom in her classroom and met her 1st graders, watched my brother's playoff softball game (he won!), went to the race track and just enjoyed spending time with everyone (RIP Laura and Dave though :)
We went to the track on Saturday and there was a feature race of the day and a horse called, "Richard's Kid" was racing. We ended up winning $120.00 on the horse! Couldn't resist the name! Of course that night I kept thinking I should have bet way more on it but my conservative ways just couldn't do it. My mom also won and we had an awesome day!
Here are some pictures from the weekend...


I found out last week that I have gestational diabetes, or "GD" as Rich refers to it as. I was pretty bummed when I found out because I have always prided myself on being a healthy eater and extremely active, but after I sat through a very exciting 4 hour class and learned all about it, I discovered that it has nothing to do with what I did or didn't do, but it is just the way my body processes sugar when pregnant. I was given a pretty strict meal plan to follow but luckily I have always been a great rule follower (my parents agree ;) and with the first week basically over my blood sugar has been totally in check. The diet is pretty much how I normally eat, however, I will admit, my willpower had somewhat diminished since I have been pregnant (refer to post about 3 desserts from Roys!) so basically I just have to cut out those extra sweets, which in the long run is what is best for baby and for me. I did end up having a tuna sandwich at 6:00 am when we were in the airport because I couldn't find anything else that would fit my serving of carb, protein and fat , so that was kind of gross but other than that its all good! Third trimester as of yesterday so only 13 weeks to go...we are so excited!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Big Baby?

On Sunday I was 25 weeks pregnant.  In the book, "Your Pregnancy Week by Week", it reads, "Your baby now weighs about 1 1/2 pounds."  We had an ultrasound before 24 weeks and our baby was already 1 pound and 10 ounces (in the 65th percentile) so I am thinking by yesterday he was close to 2 pounds.  Looks like we may have a big boy on our hands!   Rich wants me to point out to everyone that just for the record he was smaller than I was when born (all of the delaMontaigne kids were big babies)...however, have you seen the size of Rich's hamhocks ;)  

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Name Game

Most of you know that our little guy will be the fifth...yes, that's right, he will be Richard Joseph Ducote the fifth! As our Dr. told us last week, this little guy is going to have a lot to live up to with that name! Ever since we found out that we were having a boy we have been referring to him as "Baby Rich" or "Little Rich." Well, this past weekend when Rich and I were celebrating my birthday, Rich proposed the idea of calling him by his middle name, Joseph or Joe, instead of Rich.  We're still talking about this so we'll see what happens-we have a little over 3 more months to get this name thing down.  
24 weeks on my 31st Birthday