Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Name Game

Most of you know that our little guy will be the fifth...yes, that's right, he will be Richard Joseph Ducote the fifth! As our Dr. told us last week, this little guy is going to have a lot to live up to with that name! Ever since we found out that we were having a boy we have been referring to him as "Baby Rich" or "Little Rich." Well, this past weekend when Rich and I were celebrating my birthday, Rich proposed the idea of calling him by his middle name, Joseph or Joe, instead of Rich.  We're still talking about this so we'll see what happens-we have a little over 3 more months to get this name thing down.  
24 weeks on my 31st Birthday

1 comment:

  1. Looking great Lis! No matter what you call him, I'm so excited that you got a little one on the way. You and Rich will be AMAZING parents :)
