Monday, August 30, 2010


I found out last week that I have gestational diabetes, or "GD" as Rich refers to it as. I was pretty bummed when I found out because I have always prided myself on being a healthy eater and extremely active, but after I sat through a very exciting 4 hour class and learned all about it, I discovered that it has nothing to do with what I did or didn't do, but it is just the way my body processes sugar when pregnant. I was given a pretty strict meal plan to follow but luckily I have always been a great rule follower (my parents agree ;) and with the first week basically over my blood sugar has been totally in check. The diet is pretty much how I normally eat, however, I will admit, my willpower had somewhat diminished since I have been pregnant (refer to post about 3 desserts from Roys!) so basically I just have to cut out those extra sweets, which in the long run is what is best for baby and for me. I did end up having a tuna sandwich at 6:00 am when we were in the airport because I couldn't find anything else that would fit my serving of carb, protein and fat , so that was kind of gross but other than that its all good! Third trimester as of yesterday so only 13 weeks to go...we are so excited!!

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