Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Starting a Baby Chain

Did you ever make the countdown to Christmas chains when you were younger? Rich said this weekend he is ready to make one now for our countdown! I was 30 weeks this past weekend so ten more to go...almost to single digits! Yeah! And we know he won't be late since I'll be induced before my due date because of the gestational diabetes (if he doesn't come by then) so we definitely have less than 10 to go. Can't wait! Here is a picture of me at 29 weeks. I didn't get one this past weekend-was at Kailua all day on Sunday with Laura and even though I am still wearing a bikini I didn't really want a picture documenting it all.

P.S.-We have definitely decided to call him Joseph (his middle name)...or Baby Joe Joe as Uncle Mark calls him or of course Li'l Nugget as Uncle Brian calls him :)

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