Wednesday, September 8, 2010

There's Something in the Water

Between April 2010 and December 2010 there are going to be 6 new babies in our group of girlfriends here in Hawaii. I also have four other fabulous friends who are on the mainland who are having babies during this time frame as well. There is definitely something in the water! I am so grateful to all of my girlfriends (pregnant now or not) who have given me advice, support and lots of love during this time. Definitely looking forward to the years to come filled with birthday parties, sporting events (specifically football games and wrestling matches according to Rich), and all of the other things that we'll go through together (whether near or far!)

Here is a picture of Steph (due September 10th), Jenn (due November 16th) and me (due November 28th) at our pool this past weekend!

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