Thursday, October 7, 2010


What I used to run before getting pregnant has now become my walking route. I walk the same route 6 days a week around the same time every day (at least during the work week) so I tend to see the same friendly faces and cars driving by. I have always been a happy athlete as Rich calls me. When Rich and I would run together I am always saying hi to people, and sometimes encouraging them, as I would run by-he used to tell me I am not running hard enough but I would justify it by saying I am a vain runner and like to have people around me because it actually makes me run faster. I know, bizarre...anyways...earlier this week I was walking and this man who I see often walked by me and says to me, "I am just waiting for that thing to pop!" as he takes his hand and explodes it in the air. I laughed politely and said, "Not quite yet" but for the rest of my walk I was cracking up-people say the strangest things! I am still feeling great and hoping that I can keep walking right up until little Joseph arrives (and then I can't wait to start running again :)
32 weeks

1 comment:

  1. You're all belly!! You look fantastic. How fun when you see that same man in a couple of weeks and he can meet Joe-Joe.
