Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just the Two of Us

With less than 30 days to go until Joseph arrives Rich and I have been trying to make the most of our last month of "just the two of us." We know that our lives are going to change, and change for the better, but we are enjoying our quality time together right now. This past weekend we took a little staycation to Waikiki and we have been making a conscious effort of keeping the tv off during the weeknights to enjoy our last month together. Tuesday marked one month until I will have to get induced (although we are hoping that he comes naturally before then) but to commemorate the one month mark we did make a countdown chain, as I mentioned in a previous blog entry. Rich had the idea of putting a word on each link that came to mind when we think of Joseph (which I about melted at that idea-he is going to be such an awesome dad) so that is what we did. We each took 15 links and wrote a word on each link and then put them together and now we have our baby chain on our stairs, watching it get shorter and shorter each day.

Not that much farther to goClose-up of our countdown chain


View from our hotel room

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