Monday, November 1, 2010

11:00 am Mass

Rich and I normally go to church at 5:00 on either Saturday or Sunday but every once in awhile those times don't work so we end up at the 11:00 am mass on Sundays. This mass is the youth mass with the youth choir which is great because it is more of a contemporary and "fun" mass. And everytime, without fail, when we go to the 11:00 am mass I end up in tears (well ever since I have been pregnant.) The songs get me every time and I think with the extra hormones I just end up in tears...good tears, but still tears. Normally Rich is there with me and squeezes my hand or gives me a smile and they stop but yesterday he was on the plane back to Hawaii so I went by myself and the tears kept coming. I just couldn't stop thinking about how blessed we feel to be bringing a baby into this world. Rich and I both grew up in families with strong faith but these past few years I feel that our faith has really grown. I have really relied on my faith during this pregnancy and again just feel so blessed and know that God has an amazing plan for us and am just so grateful. When we were at Rich's church last Christmas they were passing out small pieces of paper with a prayer on it. I took one just to be polite but didn't really think anything of it until later that day when I sat down and read it and it really resonated with me and I have said it twice a day ever since. It has helped me so much and really has given me so much strength. I thought that I would share it here just to give thanks and to pass it on if it resonates with anyone else as well. We are looking forward to passing our faith on to Joseph and instilling our Christian values with our family.
36 weeks

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