Thursday, November 25, 2010

Still waiting

My mom is here, the room is ready, bags are packed and we are patiently waiting! I actually am not minding the waiting that much because I was so thankful that my doctor allowed me to see if he comes on his own this week instead of being induced this past Monday which originally was the option that I thought she was leaning towards. When we went on Monday (11/22) I was still not a favorable candidate for induction and since my sugars have been under control with the gestational diabetes she said that I could wait until next Monday (11/29) for another appointment.

I am still feeling really good which I am also thankful for and have really enjoyed the time with my mom this week. I have tried basically everything on the internet that I can find about naturally inducing labor as well as anything that any family member or friend has recommended (from all sorts of food to rasberry leaf tea to lots of walking). He'll come when he is ready and we are so excited!
39 weeks

39 weeks, 3 days at Chucks

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