Monday, November 29, 2010

November or December baby?

We just got back from the doctor's appointment and although we had our bags in the car just in case I was in active labor and ready to go (wishful thinking), it looks like they are going to let us wait a little bit longer. I have an induction scheduled for December 6th at 6 a.m. if this little/big guy doesn't come on his own before then. We are really thankful that our doctor is allowing more time for him to come on his own, even though there is definitely a part of me that wants him here already (especially for my mom's sake!) She is supposed to leave on Saturday the 4th, but if he isn't here by then she will most likely try to change her ticket for later that week. The good news is that she will be back with the rest of my family on December 21st so not that much longer and Lindsay comes on December 6th so it will be great having both of my sisters here!

Here are some pictures from the last week as to how we have been spending our time waiting (basically shopping, walking, eating and hanging at the beach)! Every picture that we take I think, "This may be the last pregnant picture I have" but it hasn't happened quite yet :)

40 weeks, 1 day (on our way to the Dr. appointment)
40 weeks, 1 day

Dinner in Hawaii Kai
Rich doing what he does best...making me laugh
The last three are from Thanksgiving at Laura and Dave's-what a great day! Thankful for so many things this year!

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