Sunday, December 5, 2010

Our Last Weekend-for real this time!

For the past three weekends we have said, "This is our last weekend just the two of us" and then the weekend comes and goes and it is still just the two of us (well plus my mom now, too!) Since tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. we need to be at Kapiolani hospital and won't leave until our little guy is here we could really say that this weekend was really the last weekend of just the two of us! We had a great last weekend and have had an amazing almost 4 1/2 years of just being the two of us but are definitely looking forward to what the future holds for our family.

It has been a great past two week basically vacation with my mom of not working, shopping, eating out, and going to the beach! We feel so blessed to have so much family here to welcome little Joseph into the world tomorrow! My mom, both of my sisters, two of my brothers-in-law and all of our Hawaii family are all patiently waiting and ready to meet him!

Can't wait for our next blog post!
Beautiful day at Makapu'u
Dave, Laura, Mom, Me (41 weeks today!), Rich, and Mark
Rich's Work Christmas Party
Definitely looks like I've been spending some time at the beach!
Hiking Ka'ena Point with mom (40 weeks, 3 days)

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