Monday, December 13, 2010

He is here!

Richard Joseph V (Joseph) arrived into the world on Tuesday, December 7th at 2:29 a.m weighing in at 8 lbs, 3 ozs and 21 inches long. The past six days have been absolutely amazing and it is unbelievable how you you really do fall in love with your child at first sight.
Joseph is a fighter and "Ducote strong" as Rich says. His entrance to the world was not the easiest (for him nor I) but he came out fighting and is perfectly healthy and just wonderful in every way. I was going to include his birth story and just began typing it on a word document but it is already 2 1/2 pages long right now and I am not even done so I figured that is a bit wordy for a blog entry. If you really want to read it send me an email and when I am done I'll send it over :)
I want to thank everyone for their love, support, thoughts and prayers this past week. We feel so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends, near and far. My mom, Laura and Lindsay were all with us for the labor and I am so thankful that they were all able to be here. We are looking forward to having the entire delaMontaigne family here for Christmas and celebrating Joseph's first Christmas with everyone. Here are a few pictures of his first week...
Love this little face!
December 9th, 2010
Holding him for the first time-December 7th, 2010
December 11th, 2010
4 days old
He loves his Aunt Lindsay! And his Aunt Laura and Uncle Dave
Photo shoot! This is what happens when Dad goes to work for a few hours and Aunt Lindsay and Mom are home! Thanks to the MacDonald family for the beanie...more pics will come up with him in the "sack" :)
12/13/2010Bringing him home-December 10th, 2010

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