Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas this year was extra special for the obvious reason of having Joseph here and also for all of my family being here in Hawaii to celebrate with. We have so many blessings in our lives with great health, family, friends, jobs and so on that it was just a very special year.
Rich, Lindsay, Joseph and I packed up the truck early on Christmas morning and headed to Kaneohe to be there bright and early! After a detour at Starbucks (and a ridiculous drive thru line) we made it! We started with stockings (delaMontaigne tradition) and then opened the gifts under the tree. We kept joking around that it was going to be a "thin" Christmas since the trip to Hawaii was supposed to be the gift but everyone made out really well. We always do a big brunch after presents and this year was no different-Dave and Laura had an amazing spread and it wouldn't have been brunch without my brother's famous potatoes! For the rest of the day we just vegged out, went for a walk and/or run, played games and then got ready for dinner! Gotta love the holiday season! It was a wonderful day and we are looking forward to many more Christmases together with our growing family!
Hanging with my little man
View from Laura and Dave's home
The 4 kids and grandkid
Joseph in his Christmas pjs-kissing his bicep
The whole fam in our Christmas pjs
The girls
The guys-just pants for the guys but notice they are matching!

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