Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The dela Fam

We were fortunate enough this year to have my family come to Hawaii for Christmas. We had an awesome week with everyone and although the weather wasn't as perfect as normal it was really ok with everyone becauase well for one everyone has been here so many times and secondly we were all content just hanging out and being with each other. We did take advantage of the sun when it did come out. This will definitely be a trip that we wll all remember forever! Here are some pictures!
I love this picture of my parents-totally captures how much fun they still
have together after 38 years of marriage!
Gramma and Grampa
He is totally spoiled already by his gramma!
We sent my parents on a sunset mai tai cruise while the "kids" went and had a few drinks in Waikiki
We told them they weren't allowed to get off unless if they drank their money's mom was feeling
pretty good! Ha ha!
Joseph's first trip to the beach on December 23rd and Mom looks so happy to be in the sun!!

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