Thursday, December 30, 2010

Blog Purge almost done!

Ok, last entry for today-with my family being here I had a lot to catch up on! The last two days of my family's time here we rented a cabin at Nimitz Beach and it was a great way to end their trip. The cabin was awesome and even though the weather wasn't crystal clear we enjoyed our time there just hanging out with everyone. We are looking forward to our next visit with my family already and can't wait to introduce Joseph to all of our other family and friends on the mainland. It is crazy to think that he is more than 3 weeks old now. We keep saying how much he has grown already! The time is going to fly and we are just cherishing every moment with him. He is a great sleeper at night by basically getting up to eat every 3 hours and then going right back to bed-no rocking or anything needed (probably should be careful what I say so I don't jinx us!) During the day he needs a little bit more TLC to get him to go down for a nap but momma definitely prefers this over middle of the night awakenings! He is still eating like a champ which in turn makes his diapers extra special! And whoever said newborns diapers don't stink haven't met our little guy! Yikes! Rich is dying to get him wrestling and has already been practicing his "Attention" stance for West Point! I had my first solo outing with him yesterday and it went great and I feel basically 100% back to normal and am looking forward to getting more active every day. Rich has another long weekend for the New Years holiday and we are looking forward to ringing in the New Year together as a family of three!

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