Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ducote tradition

It is a Ducote tradition to decorate the house and the tree for Christmas on the day of the annual Army-Navy football game, which always falls in the first few weeks of December. This year the game was on December 11th which was perfect because we came home on December 10th from the hospital-we couldn't have planned it better! Uncle Mark, Uncle Dave, Uncle Momo and Aunt Lindsay were all here for the game and for the decorating (Aunt Laura had to teach her class at the gym and go into work so couldn't make it.) We ordered breakfast from Koa Pancake House, watched the game and got into the Christmas spirit. Too bad Army lost...hopefully next year!
Watching the game with dad
Chilling after the game looking at the Christmas lights
Pretty upset about the game
Our tree-always real in our home!

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