Monday, February 21, 2011

Our Favorites

With our days numbered in Hawaii now, we have been making the most of our weekends and time off and hitting all of our favorites. In the past month we have visited basically every side of the island, taking pictures and going to our favorite spots. We have absolutely LOVED our almost 9 years (10 for Rich) here in Hawaii and have so many great memories to take with us. It is definitely paradise and will always have a very special place in our hearts.
Hanging out at Makapu'u
The boys chillin'
Hanging out at Sandy's
Makapu'u Lighthouse
Happy hour with Mark at Banzai sushi on the North Shore
Waimea Bay

Way Better!

This year's Valentine's Day was a little different than the dressing up or fancy dinners out...instead we celebrated at home with our new little Valentine and it was way better! Mexican food, roses, a glass of wine, Menchies for dessert, and my two favorite guys-couldn't have asked for anything more!

Friday, February 11, 2011

2 Months!

Joseph turned 2 months on February 7, 2011...the past two months have flown by, but it is also crazy to think that just 2 months ago he wasn't even part of our lives. We just can't imagine our lives without him.
At his 2 month appointment the big guy is weighing in at 14 pounds, 14 ounces and is 24.5 inches long. He is in the 75th-90th percentile for both height and weight and as the doctor said, "Definitely a big baby but at least he is proportional!" Everything else checked out great and he is cooing and smiling like crazy and very alert. He has been giving us 5 hour stretches of sleep but that's it for now but we still can't complain since when he does get up in the middle of night, he eats, then we change him and then he is back down without a peep (I say that now and tonight he'll probably be up screaming all night!)
It is so amazing watching him grow and we just feel so blessed.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Superbowl Sunday

Joseph's first Superbowl was pretty exciting-don't think he caught much of the game but he was as happy as can be throughout the game so all was good! We went to the 2nd annual Superbowl party with Rich's MBA group-it was fun to catch up with everyone and of course watch the game and the commercials.
Sydney, Bo and Lisa's daughter, just loved Joseph and was such a helper during the day. She didn't leave his side which was just too cute!
Joseph even got official Superbowl gear from Grandpa so he had to sport that! Hopefully Grandpa didn't freeze in Dallas but the game was a success and we are so proud of his work with the NFL.
Official Superbowl XLV bib! Thanks Grandpa!
Ready to go in his football gear!
Sydney helping change his diaper-I love how he is looking up at her!

My Workout Buddy

Now that I am back working out again I just love my new partner! He is great in the stroller, as long as it is moving, and just stares and smiles at me while I have been doing the P90x weight videos.
This last picture just makes me laugh looking at his chubby thighs...he should be running with me, not just relaxing in the stroller! Growing up in Massachusetts our community had weekly track meets for the kids during the summer and we loved participating in them and coming home with ribbons so hopefully we'll get involved in something like that when he really is old enough to run!
Joseph's little workout-build those strong neck muscles!
"Come on Mama...lift more! I am getting big so you need to be strong!"
"Hmmm, that exercise looks hard!"
"Maybe I'll go to UCLA and be a runner like my Aunt Lindsay!"
"Check out my thighs!"