Monday, February 7, 2011

Superbowl Sunday

Joseph's first Superbowl was pretty exciting-don't think he caught much of the game but he was as happy as can be throughout the game so all was good! We went to the 2nd annual Superbowl party with Rich's MBA group-it was fun to catch up with everyone and of course watch the game and the commercials.
Sydney, Bo and Lisa's daughter, just loved Joseph and was such a helper during the day. She didn't leave his side which was just too cute!
Joseph even got official Superbowl gear from Grandpa so he had to sport that! Hopefully Grandpa didn't freeze in Dallas but the game was a success and we are so proud of his work with the NFL.
Official Superbowl XLV bib! Thanks Grandpa!
Ready to go in his football gear!
Sydney helping change his diaper-I love how he is looking up at her!

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