Monday, February 7, 2011

My Workout Buddy

Now that I am back working out again I just love my new partner! He is great in the stroller, as long as it is moving, and just stares and smiles at me while I have been doing the P90x weight videos.
This last picture just makes me laugh looking at his chubby thighs...he should be running with me, not just relaxing in the stroller! Growing up in Massachusetts our community had weekly track meets for the kids during the summer and we loved participating in them and coming home with ribbons so hopefully we'll get involved in something like that when he really is old enough to run!
Joseph's little workout-build those strong neck muscles!
"Come on Mama...lift more! I am getting big so you need to be strong!"
"Hmmm, that exercise looks hard!"
"Maybe I'll go to UCLA and be a runner like my Aunt Lindsay!"
"Check out my thighs!"

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