Monday, January 31, 2011

The Smallest Fan

Thanks to my dad who works for the NFL we have been to the ProBowl every year that it has been here in Hawaii! He always is able to get us awesome seats and tickets to the awesome tailgating party and this year he definitely outdid himself! The tailgating party was fabulous as always (a $230 entrance fee if you wanted to buy one!) but the seats for the game this year were the best we have ever had...10th row, 10 yard line...pretty awesome and Dog the Bounty Hunter and his crew were on seats on the field right in front of us! And, this year Laura and Dave were here to go with us which made the day even more fun! Joseph had a great first sporting event experience and was a perfect little fan! Hung out in the carrier all day and even slept through the fireworks during the pre-game show! With being a part of the Ducote/delaMontaigne family this will definitely be the first of MANY games that he attends.

Sleepy fan!
Fun at the tailgating party
Rich with the mayor of Honolulu
Joseph checking out the tailgating festivities

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