Tuesday, June 7, 2011

1/2 way there!

I can't believe a 1/2 of a year has gone by already. Before we know it, it will be December and we'll be celebrating Joseph's 1st year birthday! Today marks 6 months of "baby Joseph" and although the celebration isn't quite as fun as last month with our surprise visitors, he is still all smiles!
At his doctor's appointment this morning he weighed in at 19 pounds, 2 ozs and is 28.75 inches long. Definitely a healthy baby! No teeth yet and he is now rocking a mullet on top of his head instead of the back. When it isn't "styled" Rich calls it his "high and tight"-he is ready for West Point already!
Pretty soon he isn't going to be able to fit in the carrier anymore but we'll enjoy it while we can still. He was a hit at the Italian festival this weekend with his hat and sunglasses-plenty of Hangover comments!
We just love our little guy and can't wait to see what the next 6 months bring!
Happy 6 months Joseph!

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