Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Quick update

We are busy getting ready to close on our house tomorrow and move in on Thursday but wanted to post a few pictures from the past week. We went to Galveston this past weekend to check out the beach...it's no Hawaii but it is a cute beach town and we are looking forward to going back in the future. Joseph is starting to scoot around a bit and gets frustrated when he can't move fast enough. We are definitely baby proofing the house as soon as we move in since his favorite things to do right now are to try to reach the electrical outlets and basically eat anything he can get his hands on. We are really looking forward to getting into our home-we are sick of wearing the same clothes since all we have is what we packed in our suitcases from Hawaii (well I have done a little shopping...great outlets 10 minutes away :) and can't wait for Joseph to finally get out of the pack and play and sleep in his crib!

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