Friday, July 8, 2011

It's Official

We are all moved in, so it's official...we are Texans! Both of our cars have Texas license plates, we have our Texas drivers license and we are finally starting to feel settled so no turning back now. The move was really pretty easy and other than nothing up on the walls, missing window treatments and the office/junk room being a total disaster we are in! It is amazing to think that all of our things fit in our condo in Hawaii and it was like Christmas opening the boxes of things that have been storage for the past 4 months. The best part though is being out of the apartment and not having to carry groceries (and a big baby!) up 3 floors of stairs...I love just being able to pull into the garage and unload! We really like the area and have already checked out the community pool which is great so we are excited to be moved in. The guest bedroom is all set up so start planning your visits now!!
This park is basically in our backyard-Joseph loves the swings already!
Guess I have to start cooking now with this kitchen :)

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