Friday, July 8, 2011

7 months

I'm 7 months today!
We have a mover! Joseph turned 7 months on Thursday, July 7th and since we have been in the house he has been army crawling/scooting all over the place...we think he likes the tile! He is one busy boy and I think we have officially moved from chill baby phase to busy baby phase. The past two times that we have eaten at a restaurant we spent the entire meal picking up his toys that he would throw/drop on the ground and trying to stop him from eating the table...which brings me to the next exciting news...he has two front teeth! Well, they aren't all there yet but they have emerged from the gums and are sharp and pointy-he is basically a vampire right now :) If you look closely in the photo in the upper left corner you can see them popping out. We are excited about this upcoming month for him to meet lots of family and good friends on our trip to the east coast next week and to watch him continue to grow and learn new things. So fun!
Aunt Laura and Uncle Dave-take notice of what Joseph is moving towards! It is a good thing I have a cabinet full of the these!

1 comment:

  1. Oh.My. Your house needs an intervention from cottage cheese. Tell J he needs to come back to Hawaii to spend a week with auntie Laura and I'll give him real toys to play with..and maybe pull his arms out of his sockets at the beach :)
