Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Future Cadet

While we were on the east coast we made a stop at Rich's alma mater, West Point. It was so fun to have him show us around and to see the campus-loved hearing his stories and memories from his time there. The campus is absolutely beautiful and it was a perfect pit stop on the drive from New Jersey to upstate New York. We were fortunate enough to meet up with our dear friend, Heather, from Hawaii, whose husband has been stationed at West Point for the past 3 years. Her husband, Joe, was in Kansas so we didn't get to see him or meet their beautiful daughter but it was wonderful to see her (wish I got a picture!)
Daddy showing Joseph all of the sights!

Go Army! the bleachers on the parade field say "Army Beat Navy"
Rich telling Joseph about the traditions of West Point!
Rich was on the rowing (crew) team so we had to check out the new boat house
It's never too early to start training for the obstacle course-Rich said this hadn't changed at all since he did the course
One of the churches on campus
We asked this little boy to take our picture-I wanted to ask him to retake the picture since J isn't looking but he was busy digging in the dirt as soon as he snapped this.
Who knows-maybe in 18 years we'll be back dropping him off for R-day (the 1st day for new cadets)!! Until then we'll let him continue to rock the high and tight/reverse mullet he has going on at home:)

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