Saturday, March 5, 2011

Good-bye Little House

Since we moved in to our home at Ko'Olina in February of 2007, whenever we have left for an extended period of time I have always said, "Good-bye Little House." Don't ask my how this began...just my quirky personality I guess! Rich has always laughed at me when I say this, but he has grown to love it. When we left for the hospital to have Joseph as we were pulling out of the driveway, he actually said, "Aren't you going to say it?" I love that he supports my crazy antics!
We have LOVED living in Ko'olina for the past 4 years and will miss it terribly. We have so many wonderful memories here and it will always be so special to us. My next post is going to be about the lagoons and my love for them but we just feel so fortunate to have been able to live at Ko'Olina and experience all that it has to offer. We are holding on to the condo with hopes that with Disney coming in that the resale value will increase but we also look forward to down the road possibly turning it into a vacation rental allowing us to take advantage of it again, as well. As we move on to new opportunities and adventures I can really say "Good-bye Little House" at this time, but I will also add, "Thank you for the great memories."

The beginning of the day with the movers

We put blue tape on everything that the movers weren't supposed to pack...had to make sure they didn't pack Joseph!

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