Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Home for Now

Rich's company is putting us up in a furnished rental for the next three months to allow us time to search for the right home for us to permanently settle into. The apartment is very nice with a fabulous pool which I am sure we will take advantage of soon (80 degrees and sunny today!) and we have settled in nicely; however, I feel like we are just in the "waiting stage" and am looking forward to finding a home that we love so we can really feel settled. I am anxious to do things like find a church, join some "mommy and me" classes and to get involved in our new community! The apartment is located close to Rich's work which is great for his commute but is in a commercial area (think off of Nimitz for my Hawaii friends and off of the 15 by the stadium for my SD friends) so the area surrounding it isn't somewhere where you would spend a lot of time-we knew this getting into it though. The complex looks like anywhere you would find on the mainland or in Hawaii but I had to laugh at the view from the back parking lot (see picture below)...that is how you know you are in Texas!!! Joseph and I have been taking road trips during the week to check out the different suburbs and I think we have narrowed it down to three different locations. We are meeting with our realtor this weekend so that is exciting...but for now, we are happy to be here!

Our unit is on the third floor in the bottom right picture-notice the smoker grill out in front!

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