Monday, March 21, 2011

Too Fast!

People have told me to enjoy each stage that your baby goes through because they go by so fast and I totally have to agree! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing Joseph home from the hospital and now he is 15 weeks already!
Since we arrived in Texas he has experienced many new things-not only his first rodeo and real BBQ- but he has also rolled over, is sitting in the bumbo chair and has dropped his night feedings!
On march 18th I was on the phone with Laura finding out that I am going to have a niece (yeah!) and I think my excitement was too much for him as that was when he first rolled over! I caught it mid-roll so of course was bummed I didn't see the whole thing (or get it on camera!) He went from back to tummy and once he realized he was on his tummy he was kind of shell shocked! He has done it 2 more times since then (still not on camera) and has gotten really close a bunch of other times...he really has no interest going from stomach to back yet though.
We received our early shipment of household goods and in it was the bumbo so we've decided to try him out in it. He doesn't seem to mind it (but also doesn't seem to love it)-that head of his is just so big that it kind of overpowers him when he is in it :)
And finally last weekend we decided to try to get him on the path to sleeping through the night-Lord knows he doesn't need any extra feedings! The first night instead of feeding him I held him and let him suck on the pacifier for 20 minutes around 2:00 a.m. when he normally gets up and then when fussed at other times during the night just stuck the pacifier in and he would fall back to sleep. He is still waking up, but I don't pick him up and as long as I stick the pacifier back in, he goes back to sleep so we are on our way!
A few other random sleep changes-he now takes the pacifier to fall asleep-he never took it until this past month but in my hopes to get him to sleep through the night and to nap easier I tried it and it worked...I'll probably pay for it later! He still doesn't like it during the day. Also, he has been falling asleep on his side and then will roll to his back. I think he does this so he can nuzzle his face in the mattress to keep the pacifier in his mouth-so dramatic! And he is moving like crazy in his sleep-I put him down one way and by the time he is awake he has basically been all over the place-being in the pack and play doesn't give him a whole lot of room and we often hear him up against the sides of it! And, finally, he has the funniest self soothing technique of kicking his feet up in the air (like a mermaid) and then smacking them down on the mattress before falling asleep and when he gets up. We have been meaning to take video of it so will try to remember this weekend! The smacks get harder as he gets closer to falling asleep or waking up after his nap/night. He is definitely going to be an active little boy!

1 comment:

  1. He has a lot of hair now!! Seeing these pictures and reading your post really makes me miss you guys!!! Hugs to Joseph!
