Sunday, April 10, 2011

4 months

I'm 4 months today!
Joseph turned 4 months on April 7th-can't believe that he is 1/3rd of the way to his 1st birthday already! My mom was in town visiting so she came with us to his well baby check-up. He weighed in at 17 pounds, 1 oz (88th %ile) and was 26.75 inches long (96 %ile). The doctor predicts that he will be about 6'1" or 6'2"...he will tower over me! Everything looks healthy and he is just a growing boy.
It is just amazing to watch how much he has changed these past 4 months! He is rolling over frequently now, laughing and "talking" a ton, drooling like a champ, putting everything in his mouth (his favorite thing is his lower lip!) and is showing the first signs of army crawling by pushing his little coolie in the air while moving his legs. He goes to bed between 6:30 and 7:30 (depending on what we do during the day) and is so close to sleeping through the night-dropped his night feeding about 2 weeks ago-he normally gets up around 2:30 but as long as we stick his pacifier back in, he goes to sleep again. Almost there! He is definitely all boy and we have a feeling he is going to be as active as they come! Here are a few pictures of our 4 month old!

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