Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Search Is On

We are definitely in the midst of some serious house hunting right now! We have been researching communities, schools, neighborhoods, commutes, etc. like crazy and have spent many hours in the car driving by homes to check them out and then viewing them with our realtor. We are getting close...we have it narrowed down to 2 suburbs now (we think!) and today came up with about 6 homes that are on our "serious consideration" list. Next weekend we'll check out the other suburb and this week we have a few more to view, as well. Joseph has been a champ in and out of the car and eating on the run :) Here are a few of the homes we are considering...we'll be sure to let you all know our new address once we decide on the perfect one for us.


  1. wow- love all the brick! Can't wait to see which one you choose. Joseph is going to have his pick of bedrooms :-)

  2. I guess when you leave this house you'll be saying "goodbye big house" Much different than your KoOlina place ;)
