Tuesday, May 10, 2011

5 months

Joseph turned 5 months on Saturday, May 7th! We celebrated by buying a house and having a special surprise visit by my mom, dad and sister, Laura. Just a normal 5 month celebration :) Can't wait to see how we celebrate 6 months!
He is definitely an active little guy and just so much fun. His smile and laughter are contagious and his chubby cheeks and thighs make you just want to eat him up :) He started rice cereal on Sunday and LOVES it. Mouth wide open and just sucks it up...but, really, would you expect anything else? He is definitely his father's son! He will roll from one end of the room to another and can sit up on his own for a bit. Growing like crazy and just can't wait to see all of the changes in the upcoming months...here are a few pictures of our 5 month old!
5 months today!
I had to put the one of him sleeping in here since he is holding on tight to his buddy, Sophie!
Happy, little dude!

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