Monday, May 30, 2011

Camping with Alligators!?!

On Saturday we ventured about 30 minutes south of Houston to Brazos State Park. It was a beautiful day so we packed a picnic lunch and went on a short hike in the park. One of the reasons why we went down was to also check out the camping sites that the park offers for a future get away; however, once we arrived in the park we saw these signs all over the park.
We pretty much ruled out a future camping trip here once we saw these signs and found out that you can't swim in the lakes due to the alligators...that just doesn't sound like that much fun to me!
On the hike we did see an alligator in the water and thankfully it stayed there. Of course Rich had to stop and take a picture but I kept walking (quickly) with Joseph as it was only about 15 feet from us and I was having visions of it emerging from the water and chasing after us. Rich had just finished telling me that alligators can run about 20 mph-I know I'm a runner but didn't really want to spend my Saturday being chased by an alligator!
Can you see him there? I think he was looking at Rich!
We'll stick to just visiting the state park for picnic lunches and short hikes and bike rides!
Had to put the bottom picture of J in...I think he was telling me he had enough pictures!

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