Monday, May 9, 2011


Joseph and I had a great time in Hawaii for the past ten days visiting with family and friends and enjoying all of our favorites one last time (for now at least). We had a slumber party at the Martins for a few nights, caught up with all of the girls, visited with my friends from work, hung by the pool with all of the kiddos and spent some quality time with family. I felt good leaving knowing that we made the best decision for us but it is also great to know that we have such wonderful people to visit when we go back. Plus with technology today it really doesn't make everyone feel so far away...however, after the plane ride I have to be honest and say that I don't really have any desire to do it again anytime soon (or at least without Rich.) Joseph was close to perfect but I didn't get any sleep and was so sick of singing "hush little baby" in his ear all night long to keep him close to perfect that it definitely made for a long flight.

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